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The Shivas Iron Society

The Shivas Irons Society

Registration still open for our 2024 trip to Bandon Dunes
Golf In the Kingdom Golf School — Aug 5-7 Register on Events page
Check out the new videos on Spotlights down below.

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Our Mission 

The Shivas Irons Society supports those on the path of mastery, in golf and life, through educational programs, golf events, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals around the world. We see golf as an opportunity for personal growth and we gather to support each other in becoming a higher version of ourselves.

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Golf in the Kingdom

Michael Murphy - Golf in the Kingdom

Every moment on the course, like every moment in life, is to some degree unique and unrepeatable.

~Michael Murphy


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The Shivas Irons Society is a 501(C)3 nonprofit corporation
PO Box 222339 Carmel, CA 93922 | 831.216.6252
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