The Shivas Irons Society


30 Jan 2019 10:49 AM | Daniel Renteria (Administrator)


“The Ultimate Round” Pebble Beach Golf Links Book 

Monterey, CA (December 2, 2015) –“The Ultimate Round – Pebble Beach Golf Links: An Illustrated Guide to America’s Majestic Dream Course,”a compendium of Pebble Beach Golf Links never before published, combines breathtaking hole-by-hole imagery and state-of-the-art graphics with historical anecdotes for each hole and essays by golf industry notables, and some lively cartoon graphics, as well.

This engaging new book by world-renowned photographer Joann Dost is now available at and through Pebble Beach Resorts.

“Pebble Beach and Joann Dost—a pair of American treasures,” says Jim Nantz, CBS Sportscaster and Pebble Beach resident. “This book brings you as close to actually playing this classic seaside links course as only Joann can. Enjoy all the majesty of this hole-by-hole experience.”

Published by Joann Dost Golf Editions, LLC, this 146-page 10.5” x 10” full-color hardbound volume is the next best thing to being at Pebble Beach. The first edition of the book was produced in 7,500 copies and represents the fifth custom publication by Joann Dost Golf Editions, LLC. Retail price is $40. Use promo code: SIS20 to get 20% off The Ultimate Round at

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